Keeping it above board
General Terms and Conditions - April 2025
General Terms and Conditions - June 2022
Privacy Policy - November 2024
Customer Care Policy - April 2025
Customer Care Policy - June 2024
Wholesale Terms and Conditions - July 2020
Home Generation Trial Terms and Conditions - April 2025
Home Generation Trial Terms and Conditions - September 2024
Direct Debit Terms and Conditions
Website, Tools and Social Media Policy
Flickin' Best Plan Terms and Conditions
Bill Smoother (Volt) Terms and Conditions - April 2025
Bill Smoother Terms and Conditions
November 2024
1. These terms cover Bill Smoother by Flick (‘Bill Smoother’) with Flick Energy Limited (‘Flick’). The terms apply to customers who opt in to Bill Smoother.
2. These terms will apply in addition to the Flick General Terms and Conditions. If there are any inconsistencies between the two terms, these Bill Smoother Terms and Conditions will prevail.
Bill Smoother
3. Bill Smoother allows you to set a regular payment amount that will be the minimum amount you will pay Flick each billing period (‘Contribution Amount’). When your bill is below your Contribution Amount, the difference between your bill and your Contribution Amount will be applied as a credit on your Bill Smoother account with Flick (‘Your Bill Smoother’). When your bill is above your Contribution Amount, any available credit balance on Your Bill Smoother will be applied to the difference between your bill and your Contribution Amount. Once you have set a Contribution Amount, it will not be applied until your next full billing cycle, so you will only start paying your Contribution Amount when your bill is due at the end of that billing cycle
3.A If you are a legacy Bill Smoother user as of 14 December 2024 (‘Legacy User’), you can continue to use your Bill Smoother trigger amount under your current account, which is the amount you have nominated on Your Bill Smoother (‘Trigger Amount’) that triggers any available credit balance on Your Bill Smoother to be applied to cover the difference between your bill and your Trigger Amount when your bill is above the Trigger Amount. The Trigger Amount and Contribution Amount will be available for you to change in your Flick customer dashboard and mobile app (or by calling our customer service team). However, if at any time you choose to make the Trigger Amount and the Contribution Amount the same value, your settings will automatically default to a single ‘Contribution Amount’ and you will no longer have the option to enter a ‘Trigger Amount’ moving forward.
How Bill Smoother is built up and how it is used
4. If your bill is below the Contribution Amount, you will be charged your Contribution Amount for that billing period, and the difference between the Contribution Amount and your bill will be added to the balance of Your Bill Smoother.
5. Unless you are a Legacy User who has set up and can still use a Trigger Amount, if your bill is over the Contribution Amount, so long as there is a credit on Your Bill Smoother, that credit will be used to pay the difference between the Contribution Amount set and your bill. If there is insufficient credit on Your Bill Smoother to cover this amount, we will use an amount equal to the available credit balance on Your Bill Smoother, and we will debit the remaining amount of your bill in the same way as normal under our General Terms and Conditions. If there is no credit on your Bill Smoother, we will debit the amount of your bill in the same way as normal under our General Terms and Conditions.
6. For Legacy Users who have set up and can still use a Trigger Amount, if your bill is:
a) between the Contribution Amount and the Trigger Amount, you will be debited for the bill as normal under our General Terms and Conditions; or
b) is over the Trigger Amount, so long as there is a credit on Your Bill Smoother, that credit will be used to pay the difference between the Trigger Amount and your bill. If there is insufficient credit on Your Bill Smoother to cover this amount, we will use an amount equal to the available credit balance on Your Bill Smoother, and we will debit the remaining amount of your bill in the same way as normal under our General Terms and Conditions.
Bill Smoother Balance
7. Your Bill Smoother balance will be shown on your Flick customer dashboard and mobile app (or is available by calling our customer experience team).
8. The maximum amount you may have as a credit balance on Your Bill Smoother at any given time is $500. If the credit balance reaches this point we will cease to take any further money above your billed amount until the credit balance on Your Bill Smoother decreases to under $500. The only exception to this is if you have credits or manual payments applied to your account in accordance with clause 12, which takes the credit balance on your Bill Smoother to over $500.
9. The other clauses of our General Terms and Conditions also apply, to the extent relevant. This includes clause 5.6 of the General Terms and Conditions, relating to the process for estimating your usage in the event that final data is not available in time to create your final bill. In this case, we will follow the same process as set out in that clause. Any revised credit amounts will be credited on Your Bill Smoother.
10. If you do not pay your Flick bill we will follow the debt process outlined in our General Terms and Conditions. If you are in the Flick debt process, we may use the balance on Your Bill Smoother for any outstanding bills.
11. No interest will be earned on any credit balance on Your Bill Smoother.
Other Credits
12. If you receive other credits, for example, network rebates, competition credits or otherwise, or make manual payments while signed up to Bill Smoother, we will add the credits and manual payments to the balance of Your Bill Smoother. You can adjust your Bill Smoother settings at any time including if you wish to use any of your balance to pay for your next bill or bills after receiving them. When Your Bill Smoother is used to contribute to a bill after receiving network credits, these credits will be the first to be used (as opposed to other sums previously credited to Your Bill Smoother).
13. We may make recommendations as to what suitable levels of contributions to Your Bill Smoother are. Because every household’s electricity use and circumstances are different these recommendations are not guaranteed to ensure that you will always have enough in Your Bill Smoother to cover any higher bills. You are liable for all energy charges billed to your Flick account, in this case.
14. You are responsible for monitoring Bill Smoother contributions to ensure they are sufficient and we have no liability whatsoever in relation to your use of Bill Smoother or any recommendation we may make regarding your contribution on Your Bill Smoother.
Amendments to your Bill Smoother
15. You can change your Contribution Amount and if you have one, your Trigger Amount in your Flick customer dashboard and mobile app (or by calling our customer service team).
16. You can also request to pause Bill Smoother, in which case we will stop taking contributions to Your Bill Smoother, but any credit balance on Your Bill Smoother will continue to be applied to any bills received that are over your Contribution Amount, and if you have one, your Trigger Amount, or in circumstances where clause 10 applies, until you resume contributing to Your Bill Smoother, or you decide to stop using Bill Smoother in accordance with clauses 24 – 26.
Please note that the request to change or pause your Bill Smoother, as mentioned above in clauses 15 and 16, may not take effect immediately, as this will be dependent on:
a) The day the request was made
b) The date of your next billing cycle
If your next billing cycle is on the following Tuesday, you must change your Bill Smoother settings before Sunday in order for the change to take effect on your upcoming bill. If changes are made on or after Sunday, they will come into effect on the following bill.
Partial billing cycles
17. Bill Smoother will only be applied to full billing cycles. For example, if you set up Bill Smoother part-way through a billing cycle, or your next bill is only a partial bill, we won’t apply your Bill Smoother settings until your next full billing cycle.
Availability of Plan
18. We reserve the right to remove your right to use Bill Smoother or ask you to switch away from Flick if we suspect any breach of law or our terms and conditions.
Credit balances on Your Bill Smoother
19. A refund of any credit balance on Your Bill Smoother will be at Flick’s discretion and is not guaranteed. In considering any request you may make for a refund of any or all of the credit balance on Your Bill Smoother, Flick will consider a range of factors including the balance of your Flick account and other information relevant to you and your account with us.
20. If there is money owing on your Flick account, we will always first ensure there will continue to be an adequate credit balance on Your Bill Smoother to cover this when considering whether to approve a refund of a credit balance.
21. If you are switching away from Flick, any request for a refund of a credit balance on Your Bill Smoother will be processed in accordance with clause 26.
22. If you elect to stop using Bill Smoother but are not switching away from Flick, the credit balance on Your Bill Smoother will be applied as set out in clause 25.
23. Flick will endeavour to process any refund within 5 working days of approval of the refund.
Termination by Customer
24. There is no minimum term that customers must stay with Bill Smoother.; customers may leave Flick at any time or change from Bill Smoother to the standard Flick pricing plan. In this situation, we will make any changes to your Bill Smoother as soon as possible, but if you change on a Monday or Tuesday you may not be changed over until the next billing period.
25. If you elect to Stop using Bill Smoother, your balance will be transferred to a credit on your Flick account, that will be applied against subsequent bills with Flick.
26. If you switch away from Flick, we will calculate your final bill and any approved refund of any remaining credit on Your Bill Smoother will be taken into account as part of this final wash-up once all outstanding amounts are applied.
Price Change or Termination of Plan by Flick
27. In the event that we cease to offer Bill Smoother, or change anything about Bill Smoother, we will provide you 30 days’ notice.
28. You can elect to continue with Bill Smoother after being notified of changes, or you are free to leave Bill Smoother at any time.
29. In the event Bill Smoother is no longer able to be offered, you will automatically be switched to the standard Flick offering. If you no longer wish to be a Flick customer, you are free to leave at any time as set out in our Flick General Terms and Conditions.